APK Jar'a Benzer
APK dosyası jar dosyasına benzer.
Dijital İmza
Açıklaması şöyle. APK genellikle dijital olarak imzalanır.
APK dosyası jar dosyasına benzer.
Dijital İmza
Açıklaması şöyle. APK genellikle dijital olarak imzalanır.
Android requires that all APKs be digitally signed with a certificate before they can be installed. When you sign an APK, the signing tool attaches the public-key certificate to the APK. The public-key certificate serves as as a "fingerprint" that uniquely associates the APK to you and your corresponding private key. This helps Android ensure that any future updates to your APK are authentic and come from the original author. The key used to create this certificate is called the app signing key.A keystore is a binary file that contains one or more private keys.
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